Page 25 - Love in the Gospel
P. 25

a multitude of sins. Offer hos-  yourselves with compassion,
              pitality to one another without  kindness, humility, gentleness
              grumbling. (1 Peter, 4:8-9)      and patience. Bear with each

                                               other and forgive one another if
              If you love those who love you,
                                               any of you has a grievance
              what credit is that to you? Even
                                               against someone. And over all
              sinners love those who love
                                               these virtues put on love, which
              them. And if you do good to
                                               binds them all together in per-
              those who are good to you,
                                               fect unity. (Colossians, 3:12-14)
              what credit is that to you? Even
              sinners do that. And if you lend  If I speak in the tongues of men
              to those from whom                    or of angels, but do not
              you expect repay-                           have love, I am
              ment,    what                                  only a re-
              credit is that                                    s ounding

              to    you?        Follow the way of love           gong or a
              Even sin-       and eagerly desire gifts of         clanging
              ners lend        the Spirit, especially (the        cymbal.
              to sinners,        morals of) prophecy.             If I have
              expecting                                          the gift of
                                (1 Corinthians, 14:1)
              to be repaid                                      prophecy
              in full.  But                                   and      can
              love your ene-                              fathom all myster-
              mies, do good to                       ies and all knowledge,

              them, and lend to them with-     and if I have a faith that can  ADNAN OKTAR (HARUN YAHYA)
              out expecting to get anything    move mountains, but do not
              back. Then your reward will be   have love, I am nothing. If I
              great... (Luke, 6:32-35)         give all I possess to the poor and
                                               give over my body to hardship
              Therefore, as God's chosen peo-
                                               that I may boast, but do not
              ple (who have faith), holy and
                                               have love, I gain nothing. (1
              dearly loved (believers), clothe                                23
                                               Corinthians, 13:1-3)
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