Page 26 - Love in the Gospel
P. 26
For we know, brothers and sisters ... Because You loved Me before the
loved by God, that He has chosen creation of the world. (John,
you [as believers]. (1 Thessaloni- 17:24)
ans, 1:4)
May the Lord make your love in-
But we ought always to thank crease and overflow for each oth-
God for you, brothers and sisters er and for everyone else... (1 Thes-
loved by the Lord, because from salonians, 3:12)
the beginning God chose you to be
God... will not forget your work
saved... through belief in the
and the love you have shown Him
truth... May our Lord… God,
as you have helped His people
Who loved us and by His grace ....................................................
(who have devoted themselves to
gave us eternal encouragement God) and continue to help them.
LOVE IN THE GOSPEL hearts and strengthen you in every ... God loves a cheerful giver. And
and good hope, encourage your
(Hebrews, 6:10)
good deed and word. (2 Thessa-
God is able to bless you abun-
lonians, 2:13-17)
dantly, so that in all things at all
And so we know and rely on the
love God has for us. (1 John, 4:16)
you will abound in every good
work. (2 Corinthians, 9:7-8)
We love because He first loved us. times, having all that you need,
(1 John, 4:19)