Page 28 - Love in the Gospel
P. 28

[For God's approval] Who        approval] is this: Love each
              shall separate us from the love  other as I have loved you.
              of Christ? Shall trouble or     Greater love has no one than
              hardship or persecution or      this: to lay down one's life for

              famine... or danger or sword?   one's friends [for seeking God's
              (Romans, 8:35)                  pleasure].  You are my friends
                                              if you do what I command [in
              [Jesus:] As God has loved me,
                                              the name of God]. (John, 15:9-
              so have I loved you. Now re-  ...........................................  14)
        LOVE IN THE GOSPEL  my commands [for pleasing  Grace to all who love Jesus
              main in my love. If you keep

                                              Christ with an undying love.
              God], you will remain in my
                                              (Ephesians, 6:24)
              love, just as I have kept my
              Lord's commands and remain
              in His love. I have told you this
                                              word, love for God is truly
              so that my joy may be in you    But if anyone obeys his [Jesus']
                                              made complete in them.  This
              and that your joy may be com-
     26                                       is how we know we are in God
              plete. My command [for God's
                                              [we abide by God's will]: Who-
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