Page 24 - Love in the Gospel
P. 24
'Agape' is the most common other in love. Honor one an-
word for love used in the other above yourselves. Never
Gospel. It is referred to 116 be lacking in zeal, but keep
times. The meaning of this your spiritual fervor, serving
word is 'love that always gives the Lord. Be joyful in hope, pa-
and never expects'. For exam- tient in affliction, faithful in
ple, the word 'agape' is men- prayer. Share with the Lord's
tioned here in the following people who are in need. Prac-
part where the word 'love' is tice hospitality. Bless those who
found to indicate selfless love: .................................................. persecute you; bless and do not
curse. (Romans, 12:9-14)
"... 'Love the Lord your God
LOVE IN THE GOSPEL your soul and with all your ing, except the continuing debt
with all your heart and with all
Let no debt remain outstand-
mind.' This is the first and
to love one another, for he who
loves his fellowman has ful-
(Matthew, 22:37-39)
filled the law [God's com-
Love must be sincere. Hate
Above all, love each other
what is evil; cling to what is mandments]. (Romans, 13:8)
good. Be devoted to one an- deeply, because love covers over