Page 21 - Love in the Gospel
P. 21
Lord is One. Love the Lord your This is the first and greatest com-
God with all your heart and with mandment. (Matthew, 22:37-39)
all your soul and with all your
And hope does not disappoint us,
mind and with all your
because God's love has been
strength.'" (Mark, 12:28-30)
poured out into our hearts... (Ro-
To love Him (God) with all your mans, 5:5)
heart, with all your understand-
But the world must learn that I
ing and with all your strength... is
love God and that I do exactly
more important than all burnt
what God has commanded me.
offerings and sacrifices. (Mark,
(John, 14:31)
But whoever loves God is known
Love the Lord your God with all
by God. (1 Corinthians, 8:3)
your heart and with all your soul
and with all your strength and For I am convinced that neither
with all your mind... (Luke, death nor life... neither the pres-
10:27) ent nor the future, nor any pow-
ers, neither height nor depth, nor
… 'Love the Lord your God with
anything else in all creation, will
all your heart and with all your
be able to separate us from the
soul and with all your mind.'
love of God... (Romans, 8:38-39) ADNAN OKTAR (HARUN YAHYA)