Page 25 - The Silent Language Of Evil
P. 25
Harun Yahya
He deceives people making them think that good
is evil and evil is good
One method satan uses to seduce people into evil is to suggest
many and varied false proofs to persuade them to leave the true
path, and his proposals are so intricate and elaborated with disin-
genuous logic that those who fail to look with the eyes of faith are
easily convinced. They accept satan's proposals as truth and actually
transform their behavior according to what they have been falsely
led to believe.
We can find many instances of people who act incorrectly in
daily life, having been led into such behavior by satan's deceptions.
Because of his suggestions, for example, a person may come to re-
gard a close friend as his enemy. Satan offers so much clear and de-
tailed proof about his friend's ill-intentions that, the deceived person
begins to suspect even his friend's well-intentioned behavior and
looks for a hidden meaning behind his every word or action. He has
fallen so far under satan's influence of and thinks so much about the
suggestions satan has put into his mind that his friend can do noth-
ing to alter his opinion, no matter what well-intentioned efforts he
Sometimes satan makes the same suggestion, but in a totally
opposite way. He deceives a person to consider as friends those who
will harm him and draw him into evil. Despite clear evidences that a
person is ill-intentioned, satan has an explanation for them all and
so prevents the deceived individual from seeing the true nature of
others' intentions. Satan presents some insignificant details and in-
flates them, making the deceived person believe that the other's in-
tentions are actually benevolent.