Page 27 - The Silent Language Of Evil
P. 27
Harun Yahya
always presents these actions to people as goodness, beauty and
truth. He insinuates himself into their lives with methods of persua-
sion and sly cunning.
The Qur'an tells us that satan himself has spoken of this; that he
will not approach people openly, but lies in ambush for them:
He [satan] said, "By Your misguidance of me, I will lie in
ambush for them on your straight path. Then I will come at
them, from in front of them and behind them, from their
right and from their left. You will not find most of them
thankful." (Surat al-A'raf: 16-17)
Satan has no direct influence on human beings, and so resorts to
insidious methods to present people what is wrong as right and
good as evil. In order to deceive, he gilds his words and tells them
that the wrongs they commit are attractive and becoming. In the
same way, he tries to make them foreswear habits that are good and
beneficial by depicting them as unseemly. He makes attractive
promises to them with regard to this earthly life, giving them
groundless apprehensions about what is right. He tries to make the
simplest things complicated and intractable and suggests that
Allah's commands are difficult to keep. He makes them believe that
worldly gain is easy and close at hand, but that the benefits of the
next world are allegedly remote, imaginary promises. He observes
human beings at every moment, watching for their deficiencies. He
tries to catch them at their weak points and make them fall into his
trap. He always promotes evil, wanting them to imitate him by
adopting it. He sets his snares with all these suggestions, in unex-
pected ways and at unexpected times.
At times he makes open suggestions; most often he makes him-
self appear as a real friend to someone, as if he wanted the best for