Page 28 - The Silent Language Of Evil
P. 28


            that person. Those deceived by satan's various lies gradually fall
            into error and depart from the true path. Having made friends with
            satan, they think that their unseemly moral behavior and attitudes
            do not matter, and so they persist in them.

                 He teaches people to do evil so that they will not
                 get caught
                 One principle of this silent language that satan uses to call peo-
            ple to his own morality is that: Evil committed must be expertly con-
            cealed. This secret religion that satan teaches those under his
            influence to practice is based on the principle of never being found
            out. These people do not openly display unseemly moral qualities,
            but conceal them behind many intricate details. This system is very
            insidious; those who use this secret language can express them-
            selves in a perfectly understandable way, but give no evidence of
            their evil intentions.
                 This silent language easily lets its users to recognize others who
            practice the same satanic morality. They know all the subtleties of
            the dialect they use; when they see the same "vocabulary" in others,
            they know that they are under the same satanic influence. Knowing
            this gives them the courage to practice their wayward morality un-
            hesitatingly in the presence of these others, without feeling the need

            to hide it. They can show their true faces to those with whom they
            share a common understanding, but they keep their faces hidden in
            the presence of others.
                 The principle of not getting caught is designed to shroud the
            consciences of those who speak evil's silent language. Those to
            whom satan has taught this language have instilled in them the idea
            that for a person to be morally good, it is enough that he not do evil
            openly. For this reason, some people who speak this language
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