Page 58 - The Silent Language Of Evil
P. 58
climbing up into the sky. That is how Allah defiles those
who have no faith. (Surat al-An'am: 125)
In the following pages, we will see how people who come
under satan's control use the secret, silent language of evil to express
their negativity and regard their actions as justifiable. In this way,
we will uncover the game that satan is playing with human beings.
Secret methods of protest done through silence
and quietness
Satanic thoughts give rise to a negative personality with a spe-
cial spiritual state. Keeping silent is one of the most important
weapons of people in this spiritual state, who think that being calm
and saying nothing is one of the best ways to express the discomfort
they feel. In this way, they wish to draw the attention to themselves
and make others feel that something is amiss. Their basic aim is to
blame others for whatever situation they're in and to have them
make restitution. This method is used widely by those whose lives
do not conform to the moral teachings of the Qur'an.
Before they say anything, they assume a kind of behavior to
make others think that something unusual is going on. When asked
them, "What's wrong? Has something upset you? Can I help?" they
generally use this spiritual state to save themselves. Then to these
well-intentioned questions they give reticent and deliberately per-
functory answers: "It's nothing. It's just your imagination. I couldn't
sleep, and I'm tired." Whenever possible, they make no further elab-
oration but remain silent, giving no details. Occasionally, they enter
discussions with a terse sentence and a cold, official manner. They
answer "Yes," "No," or "I don't know" in a curt particular tone of
voice. When they want to attract the attention of others present, they