Page 61 - The Silent Language Of Evil
P. 61

Harun Yahya

        Moreover, since those with faith take the voice of their consciences as
        their foundation, they accept every exhortation that agrees with the
        Qur'an and respond to it with greater acts of goodness.

             Hidden betrayal in their eyes and the dark
             expression on their faces
             The eyes are an important measure of sincerity, reflecting every
        feeling in the human spirit. This characteristic is most evident in the
        eyes of believers who, along with their words and actions, reveal
        their fine moral character with their eyes. For this reason, their ex-
        pressions are very clean, shiny and bright. From their eyes, we can
        see that have submitted to Allah and are deeply attached to Him,
        that they are honest, reliable, sincere, intelligent, conscientious and
             But as for those who have fallen under the influence of satan,
        the faces cannot possibly display these qualities. Because of the neg-
        ative spiritual state that satan has inculcated, their faces do not re-
        flect contentment and security. On the contrary, their negative
        thoughts are reflected in their faces, and their dark, uncomprehend-
        ing expressions do not reveal what they are thinking. They may be-
        lieve that they give no sign of the satanic spiritual state within, yet
        their eyes prove that they nurture no good, positive thoughts. Such

        faces give the uneasy feeling that we do not know what else is hid-
        den behind them.
             These people are of course aware of their negative influence, of
        the sense of darkness and vileness that they wear on their faces.
        Perhaps they have entered this state because of something that hap-
        pened to them, someone else's behavior, or their insincere misinter-
        pretations of totally fabricated ideas. But they make use of these
        satanic methods to dissimulate their discontent to those around
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