Page 63 - The Silent Language Of Evil
P. 63

Harun Yahya

        light in his face and the way he looks grow even deeper. But, be-
        cause these people deliberately put on these expressions for a spe-
        cific purpose, they deliberately avoid the effort it would take to
        reverse the situation.
             In the Qur'an, Allah tells us in many verses that the way a per-
        son looks is important in getting to know him, and that facial ex-
        pressions are an important means of recognizing a hypocrite: "If We
        wished, We would show them to you and you would know them
        by their mark... " (Surah Muhammad: 30)
             In the Qur'an, Allah gives us examples of the facial expressions
        of a group of insincere individuals who lived at the time of our
        Prophet (saas). In this verse, it says that the perversity of the way
        they looked at our Prophet (saas) was very great: "Those who dis-
        believe all but strike you down with their evil looks... " (Surat al-
        Qalam: 51)
             But no matter what their facial expressions, people should re-
        member one important truth: Allah sees them at every moment. He
        tells us this in the Qur'an: "Eyesight cannot perceive Him but He
        perceives eyesight. He is the All-Penetrating, the All-Aware."
        (Surat al-An'am: 103) In another verse, He draws our attention to

        people whose eyes have a judgmental and treacherous look, and to
        what they have hidden in their hearts:
             He knows the eyes' deceit and what people's breasts con-
             ceal. (Surah Ghafir: 19)
             Those who are immersed in satan's influence, and who secretly
        nurse unseemly moral qualities in their hearts, may cloak their real
        intentions and carefully avoid behavior in which these unseemly
        qualities are displayed. But they will be held responsible in the
        world to come for the look in their eyes reflecting the satanic spiri-

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