Page 68 - The Silent Language Of Evil
P. 68
If you tried to number Allah's blessings, you could never
count them. Allah is Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful. (Surat
an-Nahl: 18)
No doubt, any logical and intelligent person can see this truth.
No special effort is necessary to understand it; one needs only look
around. In this case, why do some individuals not aware of these
good things? Why do they avoid the enjoyment and joys that these
blessings give? This is a result of the influence of satan, who does
not want people to lead their lives with the awareness of this truth.
For this reason, he distracts his followers with empty apprehensions
and diverts them with anxieties. In this way, he wants to lead them
to where they think only about these negative things and do not ap-
preciate the mercy that Allah has toward them.
But sometimes satan does not have such a direct influence on
people. It is enough for him to draw people into exhibiting the neg-
ativity of personality described in this chapter. A person who devel-
ops such a misunderstanding of morality finds negativity all by
himself: Just to be contrary; he does not speak about the good and
avoids edifying conversation. Although he sees the blessings that
Allah has created in all their beauty, he deliberately avoids mention-
ing them. He wants to show his acquaintances that something is
making him discontent.
This is one of the messages sent in this insidious, silent lan-
guage that satan teaches human beings. They pretend not to have
heard good news that has made everyone happy; while everyone
else greets it with sincere joy, these individuals do not join in the ex-
citement or even say a word. If necessary, they say a few terse words
in a cold and uninterested voice. In this way, they send the message
that they are unhappy about something, in a very different spiritual