Page 65 - The Silent Language Of Evil
P. 65
Harun Yahya
of sentences and topics and even his facial expressions add a very
different meaning. When a believer hears this kind of conversation,
he realizes that the words do not come from a conscience conform-
ing to the moral teachings of the Qur'an, that there is something sa-
tanic hidden in them.
What does satan want to achieve by such negativity? First of all,
he wants to stir up strife among believers, to secretly inculcate nega-
tive thoughts in them and give them a negative spirit. He wants to
destroy the brotherhood and unity among them, prevent them from
being content and joyful—and, finally, to distance them from the
moral teachings of the Qur'an. He thinks he can achieve these aims
by the hidden evil in conversations of those taken under his influ-
But such could not possibly occur among people of sincere
faith, who above all, are protected by Allah's mercy. Because of their
sincerity and their having made Allah their protector, He protects
them from satan's wickedness and of those who follow him. His
Presence keeps them constantly on the true path; He gives them su-
perior intelligence, understanding and perception so that they can
see and spoil the games that satan plays. In this way, all of satan's ef-
forts will come to nothing.
Those who follow satan despite being around believers are, in
fact, very well aware of satan's objectives. However, their following
satan serves their very own aims. Because they want to let people
around them know that they feel uncomfortable, they use this
method that satan has inspired with intention. With the negative
manner they put on, they seek to draw attention and interest to
themselves; to make others think about them and do what they
want. They use satanic methods to secure the same blessings they