Page 54 - The Worst Slander: Idolatry
P. 54


           tence, but had descended into idolatry because they had
           wrongfully deified various concepts  by attaching greater
           importance to them (Surely Allah is beyond that) than they
           did to Allah.
              Another example concerns some of the Israelites. Freed
           from Pharaoh's control, they encountered an idol-worship-
           ping people on their journey and some of them asked the
           Prophet Moses (pbuh) to make one for them. In the Qur'an
           Allah reveals:
              We conveyed the tribe of Israel across the sea, and they
              came upon some people who were devoting them-
              selves to some idols that they had. They said: "O Moses,
              give us a deity just as these people have deities." He
              said: "You are indeed an ignorant people. What these
              people are doing is destined for destruction. What they
              are doing is in vain." (Surat al-A'raf: 138-139)
              Such ignorant behavior shows that this group of
           Israelites could not appreciate and comprehend Allah's
           might. Instead, they wanted a false deity that they could see
           with their own eyes, bow down to, and perhaps "persuade"
           to fulfill their desires with showy rituals. Although the
           Prophet Moses (pbuh) explained the truth to them, they
           immediately adopted their own supposed deities once he
           had left for Mt. Sinai. In the Qur'an Allah states that they
           later regretted this heinous sin:
              After he left, Moses' people adopted a calf made from
              their ornaments, a form that made a lowing sound. Did
              they not see that it could not speak to them or guide
              them to any way? They adopted it and so they were
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