Page 56 - The Worst Slander: Idolatry
P. 56
beyond that). In short, they foolishly seek their help and
power instead of Allah's (Surely Allah is beyond that). In the
Qur'an Allah reveals:
Certain men from among mankind used to seek refuge
with certain men from among the jinn but they (jinns)
only increased them (people) in wickedness. (Surat al-
Jinn: 6)
Yet they make the jinn co-partners with Allah when He
created them! And they attribute sons and daughters to
Him without any knowledge. Glory be to Him! He is far
above what they describe! (Surat al-An'am: 100)
In reality, however, jinns are the same as every other
member of Creation in the sense that they are Allah's ser-
vants and have no power or knowledge apart from what He
has bestowed upon them. As with human beings, they may
be believers or unbelievers, are tested in this world, and
sent to Paradise or Hell based on what they have earned for
themselves. Several verses contain important information
about them, such as:
I only created jinn and humanity to worship Me. (Surat
al-Dhariyat: 56)
Since jinns were created to serve and worship Allah, they
owe their existence to Him and thus stand in need of Him at
every moment. Given this, how can anyone wrongfully deify
and obey them by falling under the spell of one or more of
their physical attributes? And yet many people do just that
and end up considering them as Allah's equals and thereby
seek to satisfy their own arrogance. However, those who
impute an independent power and identity to them, as well