Page 55 - The Worst Slander: Idolatry
P. 55
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar) 53
wrongdoers. When they took full stock of what they had
done and saw they had been misled, they said: "If our
Lord does not have mercy on us and forgive us, we will
certainly be among the lost." (Surat al-A'raf: 148-149)
However, Allah reveals in the Qur'an about the people
falsely adopting a calf as a so called deity:
As for those who adopted the calf [as their Lord], anger
from their Lord will overtake them, together with abase-
ment, in the life of this world. That is how We repay the
purveyors of falsehood. But as for those who do evil
actions and then subsequently repent and believe, in
that case your Lord is Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
(Surat al-A'raf: 152-153)
As is stated in the verse, when He wills, Allah does not
forgive those who associate partners to Him. Given the evi-
dent fact that Allah is the One and Only, they take false
deities for themselves and thus fabricate lies. Devoting
themselves to these false deities, on the other hand, is a
very wicked crime committed against Allah.
Those who worship jinns
People sometimes consider jinns as equals to Allah
(Surely Allah is beyond that). These beings were created out
of fire, not out of earth like humanity (Surat al-Rahman: 15).
Since they are invisible and possess different powers and
attributes than humanity, some misguided people who have
dealings with them begin to magnify them and place their
hopes in them. They imagine that the jinns' existence and
powers are somehow independent of Allah (Surely Allah is