Page 64 - The Worst Slander: Idolatry
P. 64
threat from Gog and Magog. Although he achieved some-
thing very difficult and prevented the spread of corruption,
he asked nothing for himself. On the contrary, he turned to
Allah. In the Qur'an Allah reveals:
He (Dhu'l Qarnayn) said: "This is a mercy from my Lord.
But when my Lord's promise comes about, He will
crush it (the barrier) flat. The promise of my Lord is
surely true." (Surat al-Kahf: 98)
Clearly, such submission to Allah is a living model of the
believers' attitude, for they are always turning to Him due to
their knowledge that they are completely helpless before
Him and that all things belong to Him.
Based on what has been said above, thinking of idolatry
solely in terms of prostrating before hand-made statues is a
very narrow and superficial perspective. Only idolaters
themselves employ such logic in order to rid themselves of
any guilt. Such people imagine that the concept of idolatry
disappeared forever after the Prophet (May Allah bless him
and grant him peace) destroyed the idols in the Ka`bah. The
fact is, however, that many verses describe idolatry in great
detail and strongly warn believers against it. And since the
Qur'an's provisions apply for all times these verses have
been revealed to impart wisdom.
In the Qur'an Allah also refers to the idolaters who
imposed provisions, rules, prohibitions, and injunctions
upon their people on the grounds that they are part of His