Page 67 - The Worst Slander: Idolatry
P. 67
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar) 65
lawful by proclaiming their own rules in His name. Their
generally prohibitive mentality distorts religion. Allah reveals
in the Qur'an those of their slanders and lies that are direct-
ed toward Him. As can be seen from this, these people
appear in Allah's name. In the first verse Allah tells us that
they engender confusion in religious matters. In the follow-
ing verse Allah says that they establish a completely differ-
ent religion, one that He has not permitted and of which He
does not approve:
Or do they have partners who have laid down a religion
for them for which Allah has not given any authority?
Were it not for the prior Word of Decision, the judgment
between them would already have been made. The
wrongdoers will have a painful punishment. (Surat al-
Shura: 21)
No matter how religious they may see themselves to be,
they are no more than idolaters in Allah's Sight. Allah
reveals in the Qur'an how idolaters have adhered to the
same deviant conception and passed it on from one gener-
ation to another:
Those who associate others with Allah will say: "If Allah
had willed, we would not have associated anything with
Him, nor would our fathers [have done so], and we
would not have made anything forbidden." The people
before them also lied in the same way until they felt Our
violent force. Say: "Do you have some knowledge you
can produce for us? You are following nothing but con-
jecture. You are only guessing." (Surat al-An'am: 148)
Allah states in this verse that idolaters follow their own