Page 72 - The Worst Slander: Idolatry
P. 72
always rejected the messengers sent to return them to the
true path and the true faith, and have regarded themselves
as being devout and steadfast in faith. Some of them have
even witlessly accused Allah's messengers of inventing lies
against Allah. (Surat ash-Shu‘ara’: 186 and Surah Saba': 8).
The same accusation was also hurled at our Prophet (May
Allah bless him and grant him peace), as recorded in Surat
al-Shura: 24.
Allah also reveals in more verses of the Qur'an about
these idolaters who claim to "maintain the religion" and in
this way slander His Messengers:
They are surprised that a warner should come to them
from among themselves. The unbelievers exclaim: "This
is a lying magician. Has he turned all the deities into
One God? That is truly astonishing!" Their leaders went
off, saying: "Carry on as you are! Hold fast to your
deities. This is clearly something planned. We have not
heard of this in the old religion. This is merely some-
thing contrived. Has the Reminder been sent down to
him out of all of us?" They are in doubt about My
Reminder. They have yet to taste My punishment.
(Surah Sad: 4-8)
Having convinced themselves that they are on the true
path, even on the Day of Judgment they will be unwilling to
accept the fact that they were actually idolaters, ascribing
equals to Allah. Allah reveals their situation in the Qur'an:
On the Day We gather them all together, We will ask
those who associated others with Allah: "Where are the
partner-deities for whom you made such claims?" Then