Page 75 - The Worst Slander: Idolatry
P. 75

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)               73

           viduals who possess considerable degree of fear and
           respect for Allah and eventually hope to gain great prestige
           in their community. But this bigotry is actually no more than
           a superstitious structure designed by them to satisfy them-
           selves, because, for whatever reason, the essence and truth
           of Allah's religion, or, to put it more clearly, its true contents
           and framework, are not enough for their distorted mentality.
           Their perverse minds cannot accept the fact that Islam is
           easy to live by and is based on reason and clarity; they can
           feel at ease only if they practice a difficult religion and dis-
           play this to other people. They are uncomfortable with the
           idea that it is enough for Allah alone to know what they do,
           they prefer to follow a religion that will enable other people
           to observe and comment upon their "piety."
              However, it is important to mention that unlike the pre-
           Islamic idolaters who belonged to the religions revealed
           before Islam, by Allah's grace these later idolaters have
           been unable to change even a single word of the Qur'an,
           Allah's final scripture. Our Prophet (May Allah bless him and
           grant him peace) also revealed that no other scripture will
           be sent down, that no other religion will come, and that the
           Qur'an is valid until the Day of Judgment. Allah has protect-
           ed – and will continue to protect – the Qur'an. Thus, those
           who sincerely wish to learn what Islam requires in a clear
           and detailed manner can do so by taking the Qur'an and our
           Prophet's (May Allah bless him and grant him peace) life
           style  which is entirely compatible with the Qur'an, as their
              The idolaters, on the other hand, defend superstitious
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