Page 70 - The Worst Slander: Idolatry
P. 70


              Christians, Magians, and idolaters, Allah will distinguish
              between them on the Day of Rising. Allah is witness of
              all things. (Surat al-Hajj: 17)
              When we review the time of our Prophet Muhammad
           (May Allah bless him and grant him peace), we can easily
           comprehend the characters and corrupted morality of these
           idolaters. Arab societies in that period had adopted a sys-
           tem of belief and worship that deviated from the true faith
           which Allah revealed to them by means of the Prophet
           Abraham (pbuh); they worshipped idols and yet did not
           deny Allah's existence. Even though they knew of His exis-
           tence, they unwisely regarded their various fabricated idols
           as His equals (Surely Allah is beyond that) and thus
           descended into idolatry. They even had a false belief that
           these idols could intercede on their behalf in His Sight. Allah
           reveals the perverted belief of these people in the Qur'an:
              Instead of Allah, they worship that which can neither
              harm them nor help them, saying: "These are our inter-
              cessors with Allah." Ask: "Would you inform Allah of
              something about which He does not know either in the
              heavens or on earth?" May He be glorified and exalted
              above what they associate with Him! (Surah Yunus: 18)
              Allah tells in the Qur'an that these idolaters went on pil-
           grimage, welcomed pilgrims, visited the Ka`bah, prayed,
           and spent money for His sake. In other words, they intro-
           duced themselves as devout, law-abiding individuals in His
           Sight. However, since they did not worship Allah alone and
           since they performed these actions within an idolatrous
           framework, they derived no benefit from them. No matter
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