Page 73 - The Worst Slander: Idolatry
P. 73
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar) 71
they will have no recourse except to say: "By Allah, our
Lord, we were not idolaters." (Surat al-An'am: 22-23)
As Allah shows in these verses, what lies at the heart of
these people ascribing equals to Allah is their adherence to
the rules that they themselves have invented in the name of
religion, as opposed to those revealed by Allah. This is not
the only reason why those who follow something other than
the Qur'an and the hadith of our Prophet (May Allah bless
him and grant him peace) as their guide, fall into idolatry.
Above all else, they go astray because they fail to recognize
and appreciate Allah properly and thus have a false belief
depending on superstitious tales. They make their beliefs
equal to Allah. In addition, their love and conception of Allah
has nothing to do with what is described in the Qur'an.
Therefore, the only way to appreciate Allah and understand
His religion properly and correctly is to take the Qur'an and
the hadith as one's guide. Allah reveals that everything is
explained in the Qur'an and that Qur'an is a blessing to
… We have sent down the Book to you, making all
things clear and as guidance, mercy, and good news for
the Muslims. (Surat al-Nahl: 89)