Page 78 - The Worst Slander: Idolatry
P. 78
Idolaters, on the other hand, spend only a very small
amount – and even that is usually dispensed for show.
Accumulating possessions and wealth is one of their great-
est passions. Indeed, this is far more pleasing to them than
spending what they have in Allah's way. Since they lack true
faith and thus have no trust in or submission to Allah, they
are always afraid of what the future will bring.
Idolaters constantly invest for their future. Of course
such an activity is allowed; however, it must not become an
all-consuming passion, for such an attitude indicates a lack
of true submission to Allah as well as a deficiency in one's
faith and understanding of Him as the Sole Provider.
In addition, idolaters are characterized by envy, greed,
selfishness, and other moral vices. Having no sense of true
aesthetics, art, and beauty, they behave in a very coarse
manner toward others and mindlessly try to portray this as
a sign of their superiority.
The idolaters are also consumed by fear especially
against the sincere Muslims, the cause of which they can-
not identify. The feeling of fear is created by Allah as they
are ascribing equals to Him. Allah reveals this in the Qur'an:
We will cast terror into the hearts of those who do not
believe, because they have associated others with Allah
for which He has not sent down any authority. Their
shelter will be the Fire. How evil is the abode of the
wrongdoers! (Surah Al 'Imran: 151)
Furthermore, they are also unhappy and pessimistic
because troubles, difficulties, woes, and sorrows never
leave them alone as they ascribe equals to Allah. This is the