Page 79 - The Worst Slander: Idolatry
P. 79
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar) 77
beginning (in this world) of the punishment and humiliation
they will face in the Hereafter. Besides this, they subcon-
sciously feel an unwise rebel against Allah. However they
refuse to give up their false religions, upon which they have
based all of their various lifestyles, family structures, sur-
roundings, and social and business relationships.
Therefore, it does not suit them at all to abandon this way
of life.
One of the idolaters' most important features is "the
idolaters are unclean" (Surat al-Tawba: 28). This is an indi-
cation that they are both physically and spiritually unclean.
Their bodies, clothes, and surroundings are so dirty as to
endanger their health. They literally have no conception of
proper cleanliness. Since their dietary habits are based on
superstitions and man-made beliefs, they sometimes mani-
fest physical or mental impairments stemming an unbal-
anced diet.
The idolaters' mental health is also unsound, for their
resulting negative and unhealthy lifestyle can affect their
mental development and cerebral functions. This applies to
their powers of judgment as well, which makes their speech
and behavior unbalanced and inconsistent, far removed
from rationality. Prone to ups and downs, they may sud-
denly become highly excited, experience rapid mood
swings from depression to aggression, or speak in an
uncomfortable, high, and impaired tone of voice.
Yet they fail to properly grasp the wicked situation they
are in, for in the Qur'an Allah relates that He will assign the
one, who shuts his eyes to His remembrance, a satan, and