Page 74 - The Worst Slander: Idolatry
P. 74



           O         ne of the idolatrous community's main charac-

                     teristics is bigotry, which the Qur'an defines as
                     limiting and regulating a person's life via man-
           made prohibitions, principles, and sanctions that are not
           based upon valid, logical, and rational evidence. In the case
           of religion, this term refers to those who cast aside religion's
           true and valid sources and adopt rules and principles based
           on speculation and conjecture. Such a misguided undertak-
           ing is often (and inaccurately) attributed to devout Muslims,
           although it actually describes idolaters who live by the stip-
           ulations, rules, and prohibitions of their distorted faith while
           proclaiming that they are following the true Islam. Indeed,
           bigotry is one of the main factors that encourage idolaters
           to adopt such a superstitious religion, for earthly desires
           tend toward bigotry as well as many other negative traits.
              Idolaters might find it far more attractive to live by and
           defend such bigotry than to adopt the true path. In their own
           foolishness they derive an arbitrary mystical pleasure from
              Idolaters fill their bigotry-based religions with odd sym-
           bols, customs, and rituals so that they can put on a great
           show. As a result, they become known as very devout indi-
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