Page 68 - The Worst Slander: Idolatry
P. 68
conjectures and speculations, thereby leaving to one side
the definitive facts that come from Him. Other verses
describe how the idolaters prefer their distorted ancestral
religion that they learned from their ancestors; that is from
their fathers or grandfathers to true Islam which Allah
reveals in the Qur'an:
No, in fact they say: "We found our fathers following a
religion, and we are simply guided [by following] in their
footsteps." Similarly, We never sent any warner before
you [O Muhammad] to any city without the affluent
among them saying: "We found our fathers following a
religion, and we are simply following in their footsteps."
Ask: "What if I have come with better guidance than
what you found your fathers following?" They reply: "We
reject that with which you have been sent." (Surat al-
Zukhruf: 22-24)
Blindly determined to persist in their ancestral religion,
idolaters refuse to listen to reason. This, as well as their
conservative and biased mindset, is described in several
verses, some of which read as follows:
When they are told: "Follow what Allah has sent down to
you," they say: "We are following what we found our
fathers doing." What, even though their fathers did not
understand a thing and were not guided! (Surat al-
Baqara: 170)
When they are told: "Come to what Allah has sent down
and to the Messenger," they say: "What we found our
fathers doing is enough for us." What! Even if their