Page 11 - Those Who Do Not Heed The Qur'an
P. 11


                        magine that, without knowing it, you turned down the
                        greatest opportunity ever offered to you. After realising
             I I your mistake, imagine how sorry you would feel. If
             only you could travel back in time and make a different decision. Of
             course, that is impossible. A self-reflecting person would investigate
             what led them to make this error and to take precautions so it would
             not happen again. They would think about any people who may
             have influenced them while they made their mistake, and would try
             not to be influenced by them again. At present, a large number of
             people are unwittingly in this situation, passing up without a sec-
             ond thought an opportunity besides which worldly prospects pale
             by comparison: Allah has promised all of humanity both a life on
             earth filled with beauty, goodness, justice, equality, plenty, comfort

             and tranquillity, and an immortal life in the next world in such
             grandeur the like of which the human mind cannot even imagine.
             The prophets of Allah, and the holy books which He sent down as a
             guide to humanity, have brought this invitation to all people with-
             out exception throughout history.
               One such offer, made to all of humanity through the Qur'an is a
             great opportunity, a great blessing and a great benefaction of Allah
             for those who choose to take advantage of it. People of conscience
             should thus examine the Qur'an carefully, lest they heedlessly pass
             up an opportunity they will later regret. On the Day of Judgment,
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