Page 13 - Those Who Do Not Heed The Qur'an
P. 13
His religion, were met with resistance, denial and rejection from
their communities. So when we talk about "people who do not heed
the Qur'an," or "people who avoid the Qur'an," in this book, we
should remember that this is not unique or special to the Qur'an: all
the prophets have been faced with similar rejections. There have al-
ways been people who do not heed the prophets and their message,
and who have thus ignored the reality of the message from Allah.
Our purpose is to invite people to think about what is contained
in the Qur'an and to submit themselves to Allah while there is still
time. Recall Allah's statement:
Those who do not respond to Allah's caller cannot thwart Allah
on earth and have no protectors apart from Him. Such people
are clearly misguided. (Surat al-Ahqaf: 32)