Page 15 - Those Who Do Not Heed The Qur'an
P. 15
minded, when it comes to religion, lose their analytical viewpoint,
and revert to irrational, often, conservative, prejudices.
Let us now investigate the reasons people avoid the Qur'an and
the teachings of true religion.
Blind Attachment to the Religion of One's Ancestors
Throughout human history some people have resisted change,
progress and new ideas. Be it from science to education, the econ-
omy to the judicial system, conservative people, seeking to uphold
the status quo, oppose change. But though opposing change, they
are not necessarily supporting the truth, rather, in general, old
habits, traditions and customs. The prophets entrusted with calling
people to Allah all met with this same mentality. The Prophets
Muhammad, 'Isa, Shu'ayb, Musa, Nuh, and Hud amongst others
(peace be upon them all), were all opposed by people defending and
upholding their own religions.
Allah describes this mentality as an attachment to ancestral reli-
gion (Surat al-Baqara, 170; Surat az-Zukhruf, 23), where people take
as their guide, the lifestyle and morality handed down by their an-
cestors. People mistake remaining bound hand and foot to the
legacy of their ancestors for a major virtue. Many of them are so
committed to their ancestors, that they will not even listen with an
open mind to the message of the prophets. They hate to be shown
errors in their ancestors' ways, fear change, and become enemies to
the truth.
The Qur'an discusses in detail what different peoples said to
their prophets. In Surat az-Zukhruf, Allah mentions one people who
rejected their prophet's message, saying: "… We found our fathers
following a religion and we are simply following in their foot-
steps." (Surat az-Zuhkruf: 23)