Page 23 - Those Who Do Not Heed The Qur'an
P. 23

WHY PEOPLE AVOID THE QUR'AN                     21

               knowledge or guidance or any light-giving Book, turning away
               arrogantly, to misguide people from the Way of Allah. He will
               be disgraced in this world and on the Day of Rising. We will
               make him taste the punishment of the Burning [while it is
               said], "That is for what you did before. Allah does not wrong
               His servants." (Surat al-Hajj: 8-10)

               As is pointed out in these verses, because of their arrogance the
             deniers want to divert others from the path of Allah, as they have di-
             verted themselves. They engage in arguments without any knowl-
             edge. In spite of not reading the Qur'an, and of not heeding its
             arguments and morality they argue about Allah and try, in their
             pride, to present themselves as superior. But on Judgment Day,
             when people are called to account for everything they have done,
             this will do them no good at all. On the contrary, they will be sorry
             and will say, "… Oh! If only we could be sent back again, we
             would not deny the Signs of our Lord and we would be among the
             believers." (Surat al-An'am: 27)

               The Holding of Fixed Ideas

               Those who possess extremely rigid ideas also avoid learning
             about the Qur'an. As we said earlier, people are greatly affected by
             what they learned from their ancestors, incorrect traditions and cus-
             toms passed down by their elders, as well as the lifestyles and
             modes of thought they observe around them. This leads to fixity in
             thinking, and often aggression against new ideas. In turn, this can

             lead to threatening behaviour towards people bringing innovations,
             changes and the simple truth.
               Holding fixed ideas acts like a curtain, screening people off from
             listening to, and observing, one another. In Surah Fussilat, Allah
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