Page 28 - Those Who Do Not Heed The Qur'an
P. 28


                THE SECRET LEADER

             OF THOSE WHO DO NOT

                    HEED THE QUR'AN

                      he first part of this book explained, in the light of some
                      Qur'anic verses, the reasons people do not heed the
             T T Qur'an and run away from the truth. In addition to these
             reasons, there are certain people who encourage others to hide from,
             and reject, the truth of the Qur'an, turning them in the wrong direc-
             tion and trying their utmost to keep them from the Qur'an. These are
             people who act as spokesmen for Satan's deceptions, and who are
             frequently leaders in their community. They attempt to spread athe-
             ism, and to prevent the adoption of the Qur'an's moral code.
               There do not need to be a large number of such people. It is
             enough for them to be people who are materially and morally influ-
             ential in the community, who have economic power in their hands,
             and who possess the means to direct society's thinking. In this way
             they can easily communicate their ideas to the masses, thus direct-
             ing them. Because of their means, they succeed in making the major-
             ity of people think, speak and organise their lives in the godless way
             they impose upon them.
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