Page 29 - Those Who Do Not Heed The Qur'an
P. 29
In general, many people follow unquestioningly community
leaders like those described above. Such followers are those who
have surrendered themselves to the race of life; they tag along on
the leader's path without really being aware of their ultimate aims,
and without realising what kind of life they have embarked upon.
They agree to the leaders' every word, obey it scrupulously, and so
are caught up living their lives according to this misguided direction.
History is full of such evil leaders. In recent times bloody-handed
leaders like Stalin, Hitler, Franco, Mussolini and Mao have headed
the unbelievers. During their periods in power, these people placed
the lives of their subjects entirely under their own control and di-
rected their daily and social lives. They used all means of communi-
cation according to their own ideas, provided education of the type
they wanted, permitted to be read only those books they thought
should be read, and committed mass murders of those opposed to
them. They did not even tolerate the existence of different ideas and
viciously destroyed those who held them. They tried everything to
spread atheism, destroying churches and mosques, and abolishing
religious education. As the Qur'an says, what they did was to "sum-
mon people to the fire." In Surat al-Qasas, Allah tells us about these
types of people:
We made them leaders, summoning to the Fire, and on the day
of rising they will not be helped. We pursued them with a curse
in this world and on the day of rising they will be hideous and
spurned. (Surat al-Qasas: 41-42)
Because of the powerful persuasion of these faithless leaders, as
mentioned here in the Qur'an, people have emerged who are unable
to think, see, speak or reason. The latter ignore the fact that it was
Allah Who created them and gave them life, and obey the orders of
their leaders: in fact they are afraid to behave in ways that might