Page 27 - Those Who Do Not Heed The Qur'an
P. 27
even scientific facts with prejudice, and not abandon the fixed ideas
which are of not the slightest use to them?
This is due to the influence of Satan: Satan misleads those who
reject the truth into thinking that what they have done is pleasant,
acceptable and on the right track. Those who do not listen to the
voice of their consciences and turn their backs on the Qur'an are per-
suaded by Satan's deceits. Allah tells us about this deception:
… Satan made their actions seem good to them and so debarred
them from the Way, even though they were intelligent people.
(Surat al-'Ankabut: 38)
In time, Satan influences these people, who were capable of see-
ing the truth and aware of their own failings, into becoming people
who cannot see or detect the truth, and who block their ears against
it. Pride in their opinions and way of life makes them intolerant to
the views of anyone else, and conversation with them on these mat-
ters is next to impossible.
As Allah says in the verse, "They debar them from the path, yet
they still think they are guided." (Surat az-Zukhruf: 37), these people
think they follow the correct road. But the truth is not what they think.
When the Day of Judgment comes, their thoughts, remembrance and
regrets will be of no use at all.
And that Day Hell is produced, that Day man will remember;
but how will the remembrance help him? (Surat al-Fajr: 23)