Page 31 - Those Who Do Not Heed The Qur'an
P. 31
lutist leaders, who try to prevent their subjects from believing in reli-
gion, is their use of fear to control the community. They use slanders,
threats of arrest, public ridicule and death, as ways to prevent their
subjects from believing in Allah. However, such leaders forget that
true believers fear nothing and nobody except Allah: because believ-
ers know that a person is responsible only to Allah and that they live
only to earn Allah's approval. In fact, we see in the story of Pharaoh,
that the magicians, who believed in the clear proofs brought by the
Prophet Musa, set no store by Pharaoh's threats, because they sin-
cerely believed in Allah, a belief which they expressed:
The magicians threw themselves down in prostration. They
said, "We believe in the Lord of all the worlds, the Lord of
Musa and Harun." Pharaoh said, "Have you believed in him
before I authorised you to do so? This is just some plot you
have concocted in the city to drive its people from it. I will cut
off your alternate hands and feet and then I will crucify every
one of you." They said, "We are returning to our Lord. You are
only avenging yourself on us because we have believed in our
Lord's Signs when they came to us. Our Lord, pour down stead-
fastness upon us and take us back to You as Muslims." (Surat
al-A'raf: 120-126)
In another verse, Allah tells us of the brave decision taken by the
faithful magicians in defiance of the Pharaoh:
They said, "We will never prefer you to the Clear Signs which
have come to us nor to Him who brought us into being. Decide
on any judgment you like. Your jurisdiction only covers the
life of this world. (Surah Ta Ha: 72)
History is replete with examples of those who, like Pharaoh's
people, fail to listen to their own consciences and use their own rea-