Page 36 - Those Who Do Not Heed The Qur'an
P. 36
limits conveyed in the Qur'an. By contrast Satan deceives his own
faction with lies such as that they have no responsibility to anybody,
that there will be no accounting for what they do or say, and that
there is no problem with their living how they wish, even any form
of depravity and perversion. Thus Satan's promises about worldly
life are easily accepted by people who have no faith and do not ac-
cept the Qur'an as their guide. Allah refers to the situation of those
who turn away from the Qur'an in one of its verses:
Recite to them the tale of him to whom We gave Our Signs, but
who then cast them to one side and Satan caught up with him.
He was one of those lured into error. (Surat al-A'raf: 175)
As delineated in the first part of this book, those who allow
themselves to become ensnared by Satan's traps live heedlessly and
without a care, as though they will never die and life will never end.
They hope to lead a happy life without recognizing religious moral-
ity and the limitations set by Allah. They make a great effort to
avoid, overlook, or suppress any reality that might contradict their
decision. But the calculations they make will not come out as Satan
has promised them. On the contrary, every minute they spend in ig-
norance of the Qur'an will certainly bring with it great pain and
trouble: a person who calculates with the thought that they are not
responsible to anyone nor accountable for their behaviour, easily en-
gages in any form of immorality and unconscionable behaviour. It is
for this reason that the rejecters do not for the most part stop at lack
of faith but exhibit aggressive behaviour towards Allah's prophets
and believers, unable to endure their message.
The behaviour of people who reject religion in every period of
history has an exact resemblance because what is directing them is
the same Satanic power. The Qur'an describes it like this: