Page 35 - Those Who Do Not Heed The Qur'an
P. 35
Satan, as the real leader of these people, is deluding them with all
manner of promises.With a variety of methods and devices, Satan di-
verts them from the true faith of Allah, just as they themselves are
doing with their own people. In fact by making Satan their friend
and guardian, people are walking a path which will end in very great
torment because, as the Qur'an tells us: "… Anyone who has made
Satan his comrade, what an evil comrade he is!" (Surat an-Nisa': 38)
When a person accepts Satan as a friend, he begins to operate on
the basis of his advice, inspiration and instructions. Before starting a
task, before speaking, before making any decision, he is advised by
this false friend. He consults Satan on every act and they plan to-
gether. In a Qur'anic verse, Allah gives this warning:
Among people there is one who argues about Allah without
knowledge, and follows every rebellious Satan. It is written of
him that if anyone takes him as a friend, he will mislead him
and guide him to the punishment of the Searing Blaze. (Surat
al-Hajj: 3-4)
This verse indicates that the friends of Satan are those who make
him their protector, battle against the religion of Allah, enter into vi-
olent arguments and deviate from the true path. These people take
Satan's side in the war he is waging against the religion of Allah, and
become his foot soldiers. They are prone to becoming Satan's work-
ers, because, as we are told in a verse of the Qur'an, "… The disbe-
liever is ever, against his Lord, an assistant to [Satan]." (Surat
al-Furqan: 55)
The first task of Satan is to make his followers forget the existence
of Allah. Through the prophets and the holy books, Allah promises
everybody who He has created a wonderful eternal life if they ac-
cept Him and follow Him. Thus, He reminds them that they are re-
sponsible to Him and they are held responsible for observing the