Page 67 - Those Who Do Not Heed The Qur'an
P. 67
independently and has a wide horizon, is capable of deeper and
more detailed analysis and his ideas are based, not on rote learning,
but on concrete evidence. Thus most of the time it is easier for such
people to indicate what is right and explain what is wrong.
For people with faith, being knowledgeable in a wide spectrum
of topics is important for a different reason. A faithful person who
has a deep knowledge of the Qur'an and is at the same time cultured
and possesses a wide range of knowledge has a clear point of view
and is more accurate in decision-making than those around him. For
example, a believer who knows the dangers of atheist ideologies,
their logic and the systems which they promote can appreciate the
superiority of the morality laid down by the Qur'an in much greater
depth. A person with a deep knowledge of such ideologies as fas-
cism or anarchism which are opposed to the Qur'an, discovers how
the Qur'an discredits these ideologies, and realizes the harm they do
to humanity, and in this way can explain that harm and the failings
of these ideologies to others.
From this point of view, during a period when people are com-
peting in their resistance to the faith, what is required of every
Muslim is to be informed about ideas, to develop himself for a
scholarly struggle against ideas that oppose the Qur'an, and to
widen his general cultural knowledge and understanding of the
world. To remain silent in the face of opponents through lack of
knowledge, to be incapable of thinking, and to be unable to produce
accurate responses to challenges from the other side is inappropri-
ate for a Muslim. What is required is, on the one hand, to live whole-
heartedly and with great desire, determination and faith, the truths
contained in the Qur'an, and on the other, to comprehend the harm,
evil and corrupt aspects of ideas opposed to the Qur'an. Muslims
will be unable to counter those who oppose religion if they cannot