Page 62 - Those Who Do Not Heed The Qur'an
P. 62


             and by mocking the Qur'an and the faithful, the deniers are trying to
             provide their denial with an air of superiority and justify their de-
             nial. As Allah has pointed out with the verse, "But Allah is mocking
             them, and drawing them on, as they wander blindly in their exces-
             sive insolence" (Surat al-Baqara: 15), those who try to justify their
             denial through mockery will only be able to continue doing so for a

             short time for when they come up against death "… what they used
             to mock at will engulf them." (Surat az-Zumar: 48)
               In the Qur'an, Allah describes the situation in the face of the tor-
             ment of hell of those who used to mock His verses in this way:
               No wonder you are surprised as they laugh with scorn! When
               they are reminded they do not pay heed. When they see a Sign
               they only laugh with scorn. They say, "This is just downright
               magic. When we are dead and turned to dust and bones will we
               then be raised up again alive? And our earlier ancestors as
               well?" Say: "Yes, and you will be in a despicable state." There
               will be but one Great Blast and then their eyes will open. They
               will say, "Alas for us! This is the Day of Reckoning!" This is the
               Day of Decision you used to deny. (Surat as-Saffat: 12-21)

               Satan's Command: "Conform To The Majority"

               One of the main reasons that people are ignorant of the Qur'anic
             truths and for resisting Allah's verses is that Satan deceives them
             with the claim that the deniers are in the majority. This is a wonder-
             ful excuse for someone who wants to avoid Allah and His com-

             mandments for a religious way of life. He resorts to pat answers
             such as, "Everybody does it that way, they reject the faith too, I have
             seen them behave this way also!" Because of this mindset, indepen-
             dent, free thinking becomes impossible.
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