Page 59 - Those Who Do Not Heed The Qur'an
P. 59

                                   FROM THE QUR'AN

             calumnies and pressures. The sole reason for these slanders is to en-
             sure that people shun the prophets and distance themselves from
             them. But the deniers—just like the people of the Prophet Nuh—are
             only destroying their own souls by doing this:

               They keep others from it and avoid it themselves. They are only
               destroying themselves but they are not aware of it. (Surat al-
               An'am: 26)

               Satan's Command: "Do Not Read Books Explaining
               Qur'anic Morality Or Let Others Read Them"

               One of the principal stratagems used throughout history by
             those who want to keep others away from religion is to prevent
             them from reading books or other materials that teach religion and
             good morality. In fact, countless books have been burned and de-
             stroyed for this purpose, or their printing and distribution have
             been prevented. In modern times, in particular, communist and ma-
             terialist regimes have tried to prevent the reading and teaching of
             books that point to the signs of the existence of Allah and Qur'anic
               They attack books which deal with the fact of creation, and the
             truths of the Qur'an, as harmful and unscientific, and try to damage
             the respect in which people who invite others to believe in Allah are
             held within the community.
               All these are the efforts of Satan to prepare fertile ground in
             which to sow the seeds of the denial of Allah. His tools are a group

             of irreligious people, who try to prevent others from reading and
             learning and being aware of the truth. While these operations have
             been carried out openly in communist countries such as Russia and
             China, they are also encouraged by governments that have a materi-
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