Page 60 - Those Who Do Not Heed The Qur'an
P. 60


             alist concept of life. One of the reasons lying behind communist
             Russia's changing of the alphabet and later taking control of all book
             publication in the Muslim Turkic Republics was to prevent people
             from learning about their own religion and hence to ensure that they
             lost their identity. In the same way, the Chinese government has pro-
             hibited reading the Qur'an and books commentating on the Qur'an

             in order for the Muslim people of Eastern Turkestan to lose their
             Islamic identity.
               Not only do these irreligious people prevent others from reading
             books about creation, so too do they avoid them themselves, be-
             cause they are afraid that when they read works explaining Allah
             and His religion, they will start to doubt their own philosophy and
             lose the belief in the ideas they propound. For this reason the com-
             munist leader Lenin's warnings, made years earlier, to the effect that
             "if people are not to surrender themselves to religion, they must stay
             away from it" were so effective, that those deniers who came after
             him applied his ideas scrupulously, handing on the legacy one to an-
             other. Their nightmare is to see the destruction of the atheist philos-
             ophy on which they have based their lives. Because of this, just like
             others before them, they flee from submitting to Allah and do not
             make use of the holy book Allah has sent them as a blessing. But this
             flight produces nothing but loss.

               Satan's Command: "Mock"

               Mockery is one of the most frequent methods resorted to by
             those who resist faith. In the Qur'an, Allah tells us this moral defect
             is handed down from one person to another:

               Not one of their Lord's Signs comes to them without their turn-
               ing away from it. They deny the truth each time it comes to
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