Page 65 - Those Who Do Not Heed The Qur'an
P. 65

                                   FROM THE QUR'AN

               It is common practice for those who resist faith to prefer each
             other's company and to avoid being alone with a believer: they
             draw their strength from the unbelieving crowds, and are uncom-
             fortable being alone with believers.
               But the faithful, who accept Allah as their friend and guardian,
             are resigned to providence, and their faith remains unshaken at all
             times and under all circumstances. Allah tells us how the faithful
             proceed on the basis of the power of faith when they are greatly out-
             numbered by those opposing them:
               Those to whom people said, "The people have gathered against
               you, so fear them." But that merely increased their Faith and
               they said, "Allah is enough for us and the Best of Guardians."
               (Surah Al 'Imran: 173)

               Without any doubt the faithful are those who find their salvation
             in surrendering themselves thus to Allah. On the Day of Judgment,
             those who have adopted Satan and accepted him as their friend, are
             filled with regret and say that they have been left utterly alone. This
             shows the false path they followed.
               The Kingdom that Day will belong in truth to the All-Merciful.
               It will be a hard Day for the disbelievers, the Day when a
               wrongdoer will bite his hands and say, "Alas for me! If only I
               had gone the way of the Messenger! Alas for me! If only I had
               not taken so-and-so for a friend! He led me astray from the
               Reminder after it came to me." Satan always leaves man in the
               lurch. The Messenger says, "My Lord, my people treat this
               Qur'an as something to be ignored." (Surat al-Furqan: 26-30)
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