Page 61 - Those Who Do Not Heed The Qur'an
P. 61
them but news of what they were mocking will certainly reach
them. (Surat al-An'am: 4-5)
This is also described in another verse:
But when he came to them with Our Signs, they merely
laughed at them. (Surat az-Zukhruf: 47)
Their mockery conceals the fact that they do not want to listen to
what they are told, because they are afraid that their consciences
will heed the reminder of the Day of Judgment, death and their re-
sponsibilities in this life. So, they draw cartoons on the subject, write
humorous articles and try to find comedy in it, with the evil inten-
tion of mocking Allah's religion.
The deniers' sarcastic attitude brings them great respect from
others in Satan's faction. They regard mockery as a virtue, so they
respect those who practice it and try to imitate them. But their great-
est mistake is to think that the believers will suffer harm and loss of
morale from their actions. Since they see mockery as an indicator of
wittiness and superiority, they certainly cannot comprehend the be-
lievers' point of view on this. The truth is that mockery is the sign of
impotence and weakness. Mockery is a method used by people who
have no evidence they can produce to contradict the idea with
which they are confronted, and in order to cover up their own weak-
nesses and complexes. Because Allah calls special attention to this
subject in the Qur'an, aware that mockery is a method employed by
unbelievers against believers, Muslims counter this behaviour with
the enjoyment of worship. But because a person who engages in
mockery does not know this, he thinks what he has done is very ef-
fective. Since he has persuaded himself with his mockery, he thinks
he has succeeded in persuading others.
Nowadays, making religion the subject of jokes and anecdotes,