Page 56 - Those Who Do Not Heed The Qur'an
P. 56
In fact, in such a situation the rational thing to do is to listen to
the invitation made, obtain detailed information about what is ex-
plained and read Allah's holy book carefully. But the deniers follow
Satan's "Don't listen!" order and turn their backs on it from the out-
set. Satan knows very well that if people listen to the Qur'an with a
sincere heart, the state of heedlessness in which they find them-
selves will be removed and with an open mind they will come to re-
alize the truths the Qur'an contains.
Those who fall into this trap and close their ears to the Qur'an
should know that on the Day of Judgment they will feel very great
regret. On that day all that Satan's factions will want will be for
death to be the end of everything:
But as for him who is given his Book in his left hand, he will
say, "If only I had not been given my Book and had not known
about my Reckoning! If only death had really been the end! My
wealth has been of no use to me. My power has vanished."
[Allah will say] "Seize him and truss him up. Then roast him in
the Blazing Fire. Then bind him in a chain which is seventy cu-
bits long. He used not to believe in Allah the Magnificent, nor
did he urge the feeding of the poor. Therefore here today he
has no friend nor any food except exuding pus which no one
will eat except those who were in error." (Surat al-Haqqa: 25-37)
Satan's Command: "Do Not Approach the Faithful,
Stay Away"
Another order given by Satan for the purpose of preventing peo-
ple from reading the truths contained in the Qur'an is, "Do not ap-
proach the faithful, stay away." He tries to keep those who serve him