Page 51 - Those Who Do Not Heed The Qur'an
P. 51
aspects of their thinking, they might even be able to see the truth.
For this reason they do not evaluate invitations made to them
with sincerity; they misunderstand them and are misled into think-
ing that the faithful are trying to attain superiority over them by this
means. They absolutely do not want to believe that the faithful ex-
plain Qur'anic morality to people solely to earn the pleasure of Allah,
expecting no other reward. On this general attitude of the deniers, a
verse of the Qur'an concerning the leaders of a past people is striking:
The ruling circle of those of his [Nuh's] people who were dis-
believers said, "This is nothing but a human being like your-
selves who simply wants to gain ascendancy over you. If Allah
had wanted He would have sent angels down. We never heard
of anything like this among our ancestors, the earlier peoples."
(Surat al-Mu'minun: 24)
However, it must not be forgotten that arrogant and proud peo-
ple will suffer great losses. Those deniers who carry on their mean-
ingless war against the faith are losing a vital opportunity to
distinguish truth from falsehood and turn back from the mistakes
they are making and to reform themselves. Since they do not accept
that it is possible for them ever to make a mistake, they have no op-
portunity of overcoming their deficiencies and developing them-
selves because they slam the door on any invitation right away.
They do not even think about evaluating whether advice given
them is beneficial or not. They are so certain of the correctness of
their own ideas, thinking and beliefs that they do not even grant the
possibility that somebody else may be more intelligent than they
are. In short they do not recognize the authority of anybody other
than themselves over their own ideas, attitudes and behaviour. That
pride can drive a person to sin is referred to in this verse: