Page 49 - Those Who Do Not Heed The Qur'an
P. 49
the universe and all living things resulted from a series of coinci-
dences. They further claim that, since this world is a product of co-
incidence, people have no responsibility towards anyone, and so
they set their faces against the Qur'an. While the number of those
who marvel at the magnificence in Allah's creation grows rapidly by
the day, these materialists remain so blind that they cannot see the
evidence. Undoubtedly this is a result of their distancing themselves
from Allah's holy book, and blinkering their consciences.
The secret reason behind people's ignoring the truth is Satan,
who makes great efforts to persuade them to resist. As the Qur'an
states, Satan diverts people from the true path: "If someone shuts
his eyes to the remembrance of the All-Merciful, We assign him a
satan who becomes his bosom friend—they debar them from the
path, yet they still think they are guided." (Surat az-Zukhruf: 36-
37) While Allah's faultless planning and design encompass every-
thing, Satan distances the deniers from the truth and causes them to
overlook the proofs of this by diverting them with worldly preoccu-
People Satan has captured in this way violently oppose others
who tell them the truth. This situation causes them to become angry
with believers and feel hatred and loathing of them. Allah describes
the discomfort felt by the deniers when proofs of His existence are
shown and explained to them:
… Their Messengers came to them with Clear Signs, but they
put their hands to their mouths, saying, "We reject what you
have been sent with"… (Surah Ibrahim: 9)
Moreover, there is a group of deniers that is deliberately ignoring
the truth—that there are signs of Allah's existence and that the
Qur'an is a holy book. Such people knowingly deny these truths and
do not want to think about them. As Allah puts it in this Qur'anic