Page 50 - Those Who Do Not Heed The Qur'an
P. 50


             verse, "… a group of them heard Allah's Word and then, after
             grasping it, knowingly distorted it" (Surat al-Baqara: 75) they rec-
             ognize the truth of creation, then refuse to accept it, even though it
             does not require long hours of thought or research to see the match-
             less artistry of Allah. If a person expends a little care with a pure
             heart while listening to the voice of his conscience and thinks for a
             few seconds, it is impossible to deny the truth of creation. The only
             thing necessary is to lend an ear to the voice of conscience and be-
             ware of the methods of Satan.

               Satan's Command: "Be Proud"

               Another of the common characteristics of those who have no
             faith in Allah's verses and do not obey His orders and prohibitions is
             conceit and admiration of their own intelligence. By giving people a
             sense of pride, Satan diverts them from submitting themselves to
             Allah and heeding the verses of the Qur'an.
               People turn their faces from the scriptures because of arrogance,
             as Allah tells us in this verse: "When Our Signs are recited to such a
             person, he turns away arrogantly as if he had not heard, as if there
             was a great weight in his ears. So give him news of a painful pun-
             ishment." (Surah Luqman: 7)
                By giving people a powerful sense of pride, Satan makes them
             believe that everything they think they know is correct and com-
             plete. Because of this such people are closed to warnings, advice and
             criticism from those around them and give pompous and haughty
             answers. They will not even abandon things that they see are wrong
             because of stubborn determination not to give up their beliefs. Their
             personality prevents them from being persuaded on any matter, and
             they are obstinate, fixed in their own ideas and their own rules. If
             they felt even a little doubt about certain deficiencies and mistaken
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