Page 48 - Those Who Do Not Heed The Qur'an
P. 48
evolutionist scientists, who blindly defend the theory of evolution,
while overlooking that the universe is filled with millions of proofs
of creation.
This theory, propounded in the nineteenth century by Charles
Darwin, an amateur biologist who was not even aware of the struc-
ture of the cell, has suffered a great defeat at the hands of contempo-
rary scientific developments. However, the most important aspect
of this theory is that it prepares quasi-scientific grounds for support-
ing materialist ideologies which reject religion. For this reason—de-
spite its defeat by scientific knowledge—materialist scientists seek
to keep the theory of evolution alive. These scientists ignore scien-
tific facts in order to reject the truth of creation and refuse to recog-
nize its proofs. What makes them most uncomfortable is reference to
signs of creation and the scientific exposure of difficulties, deficien-
cies and errors in the theory of evolution. The attachment of evolu-
tionist scientists to this theory has gone beyond being a scientific
approach and has become an obsession and a blind devotion.
Persistence in their refusal to believe despite all proofs to the con-
trary is a common characteristic of deniers. In the Qur'an, people
who continued their resistance to the faith even when signs of
Allah's existence were presented to them because of their attach-
ment to their ancestors' religion are held up as examples. Allah
draws attention to this aspect of their behaviour in a number of
verses of the Qur'an:
We destroyed generations before you when they did wrong.
Their Messengers brought them the Clear Signs, but they were
never going to believe. (Surah Yunus: 13)
At the present time, deniers of creation persist in their belief, just
as did the previous generations referred to in the above verse. In
spite of the clearest scientific signs, these people can still claim that