Page 136 - Mary: An Exemplary Muslim Woman
P. 136


              and compassion when their spouse makes a mistake or falls short in
              some way, and know that behaving according to the Qur'an will help
              them overcome all difficulties and solve their problems. As a result, mar-

              riage helps both spouses find contentment and peace.
                   With the phrase "you have been intimate with one another" (Surat
              an-Nisa': 21), Allah proclaims the closeness and intimacy of married life.
              The secret of this closeness, intimacy, and valuing of each other is their
              intention to create an everlasting togetherness that will extend into the
              Hereafter. True loyalty and love requires this attitude. Since their love is
              neither selfish nor temporary, but intended to be everlasting, they are
              completely loyal, close, honest, and intimate with one another.
                   As we have seen, the Qur'an's morality forms the basis for a mari-
              tal relationship based on togetherness, one in which both parties fear
              and respect Allah and follow His morality. In such a relationship, each
              person's loyalty, faithfulness, love, sincerity, compassion, and modesty
              complement and support the other person. Such a marriage is stable and
              long-lasting. The marriages of people without these

              qualities, on the other hand, are short-lived.
                   For these reasons, Islam considers marriage to
              be a comfort for women, for in it she experiences
              love, respect, loyalty, and faithfulness in the best
              possible way. She is always respected, valued, and
              honored. The absence of any pride, superiority com-
              plex, and lies enables her to find peace and content-
                   Our Prophet (may Allah bless him
              and grant him peace) became a
              great example for all
              Muslims in this re-
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