Page 140 - Mary: An Exemplary Muslim Woman
P. 140
in both their social and family lives. And, the verse "We bring you the
truth and the best of explanations" (Surat al-Furqan: 33) makes clear the
fact that the Qur'an contains all of the knowledge needed to find the val-
ue, love, and respect that they deserve in every aspect of their lives.
This is a great mercy, comfort, and gift from Allah for women as
well. When people behave according to the Qur'an's morals, all disputes
over the role and place of women in society, as well as the controversy
surrounding them in unbelieving societies, will certainly come to an
We will now explore some of the verses that guard women's social
rights and reveal their importance and value in Islam's moral system.
Divorcing Women with
Their Consent
The believers' fear and respect of Allah, as well as their belief, cause
them to obey their conscience and the Qur'an's values at every moment.
But for unbelievers, their base instincts and satan are their guiding in-
fluences. Thus, they seek to satisfy their self-interest and their ego in-
stead of acting fairly and nicely. This scenario is often seen when rela-
tionships end, such as a marriage based upon financial self-interest.
For these people, divorce means the end of all bonds based on mu-
tual interest, for when these interests no longer exist, there is no longer
any reason for them to value or respect the other party. As a result, they
see no reason to do anything good for that person, and so move to pro-
tect their own interests regardless of the other person's situation.
Believers display a totally different type of behavior in such cir-
cumstances, for their only goal in life is to win Allah's good pleasure.
Fully aware that following the whims of their self-interest or ego dis-
pleases Him, they adhere to the Qur'an's morality and their conscience.
Mary: An Exemplary Muslim Woman