Page 91 - The Miracle of Migration in Animals
P. 91


                marked loss of navigational ability, and it was understood that they
                were confused by the artificially created magnetic field. It is doubt-
                less no coincidence that the brain cells contain magnetite, but an indi-
                cation of a purposeful creation.
                    One other explanation is sense of smell. In reality birds have a
                less developed sense of smell than other animals. However, research
                in recent years has shown that some species have a more developed
                sense of smell, and for this reason the idea has been put forward that
                migrating birds find their way to their destination with the help of
                certain smells.
                    Of all possibilities, the Earth’s magnetic field is seen as the most

                reliable guide. Never obscured by clouds, it is ever-present at night
                and does not change place. Experiments reinforce the idea that the
                magnetic field is used in animal migration—as, for example, one con-
                ducted with pigeons.
                    The rock dove, the wild form of the homing pigeon, is not a
                great traveler and conducts its life within a small territory. However,
                when taken far away from home and left in a completely unknown
                location, these birds can find their way home.

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